Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Preview of My 4 Month Pictures

There was some trouble with the film, so I got to do my glamor shots twice this month. They should be going out with my fan mail later this week. I know all my loyal readers must just be dying though, so here is a sneak peek.

Not only can I roll over both ways now, but I can almost sit up. No cleverly hidden hands or boppies here.

Next, they let me lounge around in my little Mexican number.

Fashion was courtesy of Daddy and a little shop in Progresso, Nuevo Leon.

Mom and I took a break to do some exercises.

Check out how limber all that prenatal yoga made me.

The photographer and I also agreed on a Greek goddess motif.

Once again, that really is me leaning, no camera tricks or extra props needed.

Here's the wide shot.

After all that hard work, they let me relax a bit. I was waiting for the guys with the grapes and fans, but I guess they are still in contract negotiations.

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